グローバルキャリア塾 連載コラム

『自分が変われば、世界も変わる』 シアトルで学ぶ社会起業! (第2回)



Dr. Britt Yamamoto

米国NPO法人Rootspring(旧iLEAP) 創設者であり、米国ワシントン大学やアンティオック大学で教鞭をとる。専門は社会変革理論と実践で、日本の若い世代に社会起業の教育プログラムを開催。日系4世アメリカ人。ワシントン大学大学院人文地理学部博士課程終了(Ph D.)過去にフルブライトフェロー賞、ワシントン大学Excellence in Teaching賞などを受賞。






Greetings from Seattle where the weather is cool and our coffee hot! In last month’s posting I introduced myself, Rootspring (formerly iLEAP) and our program, Social Innovation in Seattle (SIIS). I am very pleased to be writing again, this time about a very important question: how does one create social innovation and inspire fundamental social change? Of course, a short article cannot sufficiently answer this question, but from my years of experience creating, leading and teaching about social innovation and change, I have found there to be some important principles that I would like to share with you. Over the next few months, I will be sharing these principles with you -- today I introduce three. Please keep in mind that these are not ranked and do not need to happen in this particular order.



The first principle is the importance of collaboration. I believe that we are good as individuals, but better together-and the challenges of the present and future demand that we find ways to collaborate for the common good. I say this not only for civil society organizations, but for the private sector and government as well. Unfortunately, working together does not come easily for humanity-especially Americans! -and it is something that we need to consciously work toward and not rest in assumption.



The second principle is the power of community. In fact, Rootspring was founded with a vision to create and inspire, “a worldwide community of global citizens and innovative organizations.” It is our experience that we all need the support and strength of community to move from ideas to action-and Rootspring is building this movement of people all over the world. We currently have Rootspring Faculty leading social innovation all throughout Africa, North America and Asia-including Japan, of course-and we work to keep them connected to each other and the people who support them. Once you have experienced the power of community-as all of our Rootspring program participants do-your life will never be the same.



The third principle is the ability to be dynamic, flexible and to thrive in states of uncertainty or ambiguity. As many of you know, to be innovative in a realm of change is to accept that things will rarely go as planned! In this way it is not so much of what we create, but how we adapt and respond to change. One of the differences between a social innovator and the typical person is that the innovator sees in every challenge or new development, an opportunity. This is what we emphasize in our Rootspring programs-helping our participants to recognize opportunity and have the courage to create new ways of seeing and being in the world. This to me is true creativity, and when it is done in collaboration and community, the results can be remarkable. In Seattle we are fortunate to have hundreds of these kinds of creative businesses.



What makes these and other principles that I will share with you in future months so powerful is that ANYONE can do these things-I am speaking to you, dear reader. The social innovator is not an elite class of select individuals. Rather, I see social innovators as a community of people who have made a choice to show up in the world in a different way. There is no reason why this cannot be you or those around you. Everyone can be a social innovator-indeed, our future hangs in the hope that everyone becomes one.

Thank you for reading-and please feel free to email or contact me with any questions.

Until next month.

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