『自分が変われば、世界も変わる』 シアトルで学ぶ社会起業! (第7回)
第7回:Stepping In, Not Stepping Back 果敢に挑戦しよう
Dr. Britt Yamamoto
米国NPO法人Rootspring(旧iLEAP) 創設者であり、米国ワシントン大学やアンティオック大学で教鞭をとる。専門は社会変革理論と実践で、日本の若い世代に社会起業の教育プログラムを開催。日系4世アメリカ人。ワシントン大学大学院人文地理学部博士課程終了(Ph D.)過去にフルブライトフェロー賞、ワシントン大学Excellence in Teaching賞などを受賞。
As some of you know, through my work as a professor in the Antioch University Seattle Center for Creative Change and as the Director of Rootspring (formerly iLEAP), I work with hundreds of people a year with the purpose of supporting them in their efforts of lead and sustain positive social change in their communities, organizations, businesses, and around the world. Because of this work, and through my own experience starting and leading socially innovative businesses, I have come to learn that there are some important principles when considering how to build and lead these endeavors. I have already shared nine of these with you in previous posts.
Today I would like to speak to a characteristic that I think is vital as you develop and build new initiatives-that is when you face challenges or what may seem to be roadblocks in your ideas, the mark of an innovator is someone who sees this not as a limitation, but as an opportunity to learn and continue to create. Too many of us, when faced with a challenge, tend to step back or retreat-finding all of the reasons why we should NOT do something. I have found that creative change and innovation comes as the result of leaders stepping into challenges rather than stepping back from them. When this happens in community or with others, the results can be all the more striking.
学ぶことで、あなたは成長する。 結果がどうあれ。
Of course, it is one thing to say that you can do this. It is entirely another thing, when confronted with a challenge or perceived roadblock, to actually step into it. So to those of you who are setting out into new and exciting ground-maybe you are starting a new organization or business, implementing a new practice in your workplace, exploring a new opportunity in a new culture or country-I would encourage you to TAKE THE LEAP! You can be assured that the learning will be rich, irrespective of the outcome. It is this learning piece-and how we reorient ourselves to challenge and creativity that I want participants in all of our programs to learn and practice. Indeed, it is my experience that this is one of the foundations of sustainable change.
As a reminder, we are still accepting applications for our summer Social Innovation in Seattle program . We hope to see you here in Seattle!
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